Nuclear warheads

美 [ˈnuːkliər ˈwɔrˌhɛdz]英 [ˈnjuːkliə(r) ˈwɔːhɛdz]
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Nuclear warheadsNuclear warheads
  1. The two countries will share sensitive test data to develop a new generation of nuclear warheads .


  2. and you happen to get one of those insecure nuclear warheads that exist .


  3. An Algorithm of Model in Optimal Distribution of Nuclear Warheads in Allied Dynamic System


  4. How many nuclear warheads has Iraq got ?


  5. Investigation on detection of nuclear warheads by counting delayed neutrons


  6. the world had 65000 nuclear warheads ,


  7. The Agni-III tested last year can carry nuclear warheads deeper into Asia .


  8. and we dropped the number of nuclear warheads in the world to about a total of 21000 .


  9. Evans says that there are between 13000 and 16000 nuclear warheads deployed around the world .


  10. Medium range missiles with nuclear warheads .


  11. The Americans will send nuclear warheads !


  12. It limits the United States and Russia to deploy no more than 1550 strategic nuclear warheads each .


  13. It limits the numbers of deployed strategic nuclear warheads to 1550 and delivery systems to 700 for each .


  14. The UK and France are to sign a treaty agreeing to the joint development and testing of nuclear warheads .


  15. So when it publishes the number of its nuclear warheads , that is a strategy of deterrence .


  16. Western nations have expressed concern that Iran could use its satellite-launching technology for long-range missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads .


  17. China is also building new " Jin-class " ballistic missile submarines , capable of launching nuclear warheads while at sea .


  18. Those two stockpiles give it enough enriched uranium to make up to six nuclear warheads , should it choose to do so .


  19. The number of Chinese nuclear warheads is believed to be largely stable , with foreign estimates ranging from 100 to more than 200 .


  20. Inevitably Pakistan denied that Minhas held any of its nuclear warheads , believed to number about 100 .


  21. And when were done , we will have cut American and Russian deployed nuclear warheads to their lowest levels since the 1950s .


  22. I made it clear that the United States will not develop new nuclear warheads . And we will not pursue new military missions for nuclear weapons .


  23. Figures from international think tanks show that the U.S currently has 5800 nuclear warheads , almost 20 times the number of China 's warheads .


  24. These hangars had been occupied by nuclear warheads until 1997 when the military unit was disbanded .


  25. It would promote the development of nuclear warheads deep cuts verification technologies if we start right now some investigations on the issues related to the radiation fingerprints .


  26. Nuclear warheads detection is an important verification technology for nuclear disarmament treaty in nuclear disarmament process , and this technology is also concerned to the national security interests .


  27. The co-chairman of the group , Gareth Evans , said Tuesday that tough new measures are needed to stop the spread of nuclear warheads .


  28. The report authored by scientists Hans Kristensen and Robert Norris estimates that China has240 nuclear warheads .


  29. South Korea has vowed to strike back with jet fighters if attacked again by its neighbour , which has primitive nuclear warheads .


  30. The site is often mentioned by foreign military experts and research groups as a likely place for storing parts of nuclear warheads or the planes that can carry them .
